Friday, May 06, 2005

Update Your Email Address

Many of the announcement emails I sent out came back undeliverable. If you have recently changed your email address, please post your new address to in the "Comments" section below.


Anonymous said...

my e-mail address if and you haven't had it previously. I am the daughter of Joy Webber ( So far we have been unable to get a room at the reunion site, but have requested to be put on a wait list. Mom, Tifani Smith, myself and the kids will be there if a room becomes available in time. Otherwise, we'll see you next year and make our resevations promptly! Jack Webber will be unable to attend due to health reasons and Justin Smith will be unable to attend due to work demands this year, but us womenfolk will make it if we can! Otherwise, we'll see y'all next year and will miss seeing everyone this year. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Welcome Brenda. I sent you a note via email and hope to see you in June. Tell Jack he will be missed and we'll all be thinking of him.